Secure AI APIs in Seconds—No SDK, No Backend Needed.
Proxed.AI is the simplest way to protect AI API keys in iOS apps. Lock down your API credentials, verify device authenticity with Apple's DeviceCheck, and structure AI outputs—all without a backend. Just change your API URL and get instant security.
Open-source and free during Beta—upgrade your security with zero integration effort.
import DeviceCheck
actor SimpleAPIIntegrator {
let apiKey = "<your-api-key>" // Partial API key (we don't store the full key)
let endpoint = "<your-project-id>" // API endpoint
func sendImage(image: UIImage) async throws {
guard let imageData = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.9) else {
fatalError("Image conversion failed")
let base64Image = imageData.base64EncodedString()
let token = await SimpleDeviceCheck.retrieveToken()
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: endpoint)!)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.setValue(apiKey, forHTTPHeaderField: "x-ai-key")
if let token = token {
request.setValue(token, forHTTPHeaderField: "x-device-token")
request.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(["image": base64Image])
let (data, response) = try await request)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
(200...299).contains(httpResponse.statusCode) else {
fatalError("Failed to send image")
// Decode structured AI response which you build in the project settings from received data
let plantResponse = try JSONDecoder().decode(PlantResponse.self, from: data)
print("Plant Response:", plantResponse)
struct SimpleDeviceCheck {
static func retrieveToken() async -> String? {
guard DCDevice.current.isSupported else {
print("DeviceCheck not supported")
return nil
do {
let tokenData = try await DCDevice.current.generateToken()
return tokenData.base64EncodedString()
} catch {
print("Error generating token:", error)
return nil
struct PlantResponse: Decodable {
let scientificName: String
let commonNames: [String]
The Challenge
Without proper security, AI-powered apps are exposed to key leaks, unauthorized usage, and compliance risks. A stolen API key can result in massive costs and service disruption.
Exposed API Keys
Hardcoded keys in your app? Hackers will find them and exploit your AI services.
No Control Over Requests
Without authentication, anyone can call your AI API—leading to fraud, abuse, and skyrocketing costs.
Compliance & Security Risks
Regulatory requirements demand secure API handling—exposed keys can lead to data breaches and compliance violations.
The Solution
Proxed.AI eliminates security risks by acting as a smart proxy between your app and AI providers.
No SDK, No Backend Required
Simply replace your AI API URL with Proxed.AI's secure endpoint—no extra code, no SDK dependencies.
Lock Down API Keys
Your secret keys never reach the client. Proxed securely manages keys so they're never exposed or stolen.
DeviceCheck Authentication
Verify every request comes from a genuine iOS device—blocking bots, emulators, and fake requests.
Control AI Usage & Costs
Set rate limits, monitor API requests, and prevent abuse with real-time tracking and analytics.
Everything you need to secure your AI integration
Proxed.AI provides a comprehensive set of features to help you secure and manage your AI API keys and responses.
Secure Your AI API with One URL Change
Proxed.AI acts as a secure proxy—just update your API URL and instantly protect your AI calls.
DeviceCheck Authentication
Ensure only genuine, unmodified iOS devices can access your AI APIs—blocking fake requests and unauthorized users.
Rate Limiting & AI Cost Control
Monitor API usage, set request limits, and prevent runaway costs automatically.
Structured AI Responses
Define response formats and enforce consistency—no more malformed AI outputs or unexpected JSON errors.
Start Building for Free
Access all features at no cost during our Beta period, then choose the plan that fits you best.
Start securing your AI APIs—for free.
- 1 Project
- 1000 API calls per month
- DeviceCheck authentication
- Real-time monitoring
For growing apps that need more security & control.
- Unlimited Projects
- 10,000 API calls per month
- DeviceCheck authentication
- Advanced rate limiting
- Real-Time Logs & Monitoring
Enterprise-grade security & scalability.
- Unlimited Projects
- 50,000 API calls per month
- DeviceCheck authentication
- Advanced analytics & cost monitoring
- Dedicated support & SLA
Join our open-source family on GitHub. We value every contributor - your pull request might shape the future of!
Ready to build your next AI wrapper?
Sign up now and secure your AI-powered iOS experience with—no fees during Beta.